There are many important dates and deadlines related to registration, curriculum, advising, and progress toward graduation. A calendar with important dates and deadlines in the College of Arts and Sciences is available here (be sure to select "Include Important Deadlines" under Calendar Options). You are encouraged to bookmark or subscribe to the calendar.
Students must complete their registration no later than the last day to add each semester. The College policy for registration, adding, dropping, and withdrawing from courses is contained in the Enrollment section of the Catalog.
Students are expected to declare a major program of study during their fourth semester of enrollment in order to register for future semesters. This ensures that students are receiving academic advising from a faculty member in their chosen major program of study. In addition, this helps departments predict course enrollment and demand, as well as plan for comprehensive exams each semester. More information specifically regarding major declaration is found here: Major Declaration.
Deadlines for Graduating Seniors
- Graduating seniors must complete the degree application and review form in the Office of the University Registrar during their final Advent semester. These forms allow students to confirm the information that appears in the commencement program and on the diploma.
- Graduating seniors wishing to declare a minor must do so by the last day to withdraw from a course during their final semester of enrollment prior to graduation.
- Graduating seniors must submit Pass/Fail declaration forms by the last day to withdraw from a course during their final semester of enrollment prior to graduation. More information about the Pass/Fail grading policy is found here: Pass/Fail Grading.
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