The Sewanee Online Degree Audit (SODA) is designed to assist students and advisors in understanding how a student's credits apply to degree requirements. SODA is a useful tool during the course selection and registration process, as well as during the process of declaring a program of study. The following is an explanation and visual detail of each section of SODA.
Student View is a snapshot of the student’s current status. You can see the overall hours earned, as well as a breakdown of institutional and transfer hours. The Rank in Class (hidden in this guide for privacy reasons) is based on the date listed. Rank is determined once each semester, in February and in September. The overall GPA in SODA includes the resulting change from any grades that have been converted to a “P.”
The Bachelor of Arts/Science area displays the overall degree requirements. As with all sections in SODA, a green box with a checkmark appears on areas that are complete. Areas being completed by current courses have a blue box with a tilde.
The General Education Program area shows each of the six required Learning Objectives, as well as the Foundational Writing Intensive and Physical Education requirements. Any outstanding requirements are clearly marked with the red “Still Needed” comment.
The G5 Learning Objective has three required courses. In this case, the student has completed the G5Q and G5E courses, but is still lacking a third course which may be G5 or an additional G5E or G5Q. If you click on the “Attribute G5” “Attribute G5E” “Attribute G5Q” link, you are able to view lists of options for fulfilling this requirement. Within these lists, courses currently offered include the scheduled meeting times and the course enrollment.
Following the General Education area is the first major area which includes the specific requirements for the student's declared major. You can see that this student still needs three English courses, and a Writing Intensive course in the major. In many majors, including English, a course may satisfy a specific major requirement plus the Major Writing Intensive requirement. The Comprehensive Examination requirement is also listed for each major program of study.
The GPA of major courses is listed in a separate block below the major. In most instances, this is a GPA for the primary discipline in the major and includes courses that can apply toward the major.
If a student has declared a minor or a second major, it is listed below the first major area. This student has a History minor, and still needs one more HIST class numbered at or above the 200 Level. Any courses that may not be used to fulfill the requirement are identified, as seen here with HIST 352, 440, 444, or 452.
The final area of each SODA record includes a list of general elective courses (also referred to as Fallthrough Courses). Just below that are any courses in progress for the current semester, as well as those in an upcoming semester for which a student is registered.
You may find it necessary to process a “What-If” audit for a student. This is commonly used when students are declaring a major, minor, or certificate, or when deciding on concentrations within certain majors like Politics or International and Global Studies. Please note that What-If audits do not enforce course double-dipping also known as sharing. In all other respects, a What-If audit reflects the requirements of the College.
Here is a list of instructions for executing a “What-If” scenario:
- Once you have accessed a student’s SODA, click “What If” to the far left of the page.
- Choose the appropriate option from each dropdown menu.
- Be sure to choose concentrations when appropriate.
- The areas you have selected appear in the Chosen Areas of study box to the right. If you have made any selections in error, you can highlight them here, and click Remove below the box.
- Click “Process What-If.”
If you have any questions regarding SODA, please contact the Office of the University Registrar at extension 1731, or via email at
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