Students may seek to enroll in an independent study to explore a topic in greater depth. A student must first reach an agreement with a faculty member willing to oversee the independent study. Many faculty have independent study sections already available to them in Banner self-service and need only to record the Prerequisite override to permit the student to register. (See entry on registration overrides)
If a faculty member does not have an existing independent study section, the faculty member should contact the University Registrar's Office who will establish the independent study and provide the CRN for the course. The faculty member must then enter a prerequisite override for the student and the student must register for the course. (See entry on registration overrides)
Independent studies cannot be used to satisfy general education requirements.
Registration for independent studies and similar courses is completed online. Students require a registration override (Override Pre-/Co-Requisites) from the supervising faculty member prior to registering for the course. When the credit for the course is variable (two or four semester hours), the number of credit hours defaults to two credit hours). Registration and adjustments to credit hours must be completed prior to the Last Day to Add a Course each semester. Students seeking four hours must adjust the amount of credit by following these steps:
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